Static Vs Dynamic Websites: Differences Between Static and Dynamic Websites

Differences Between Static and Dynamic Websites

In my last article, I gave a very basic explanation of what is a static website. I also spoke briefly about the advantages of static websites in comparison to dynamic websites. However, in order to decide which type of websites is the most suitable for you, it is important to have a clear understanding of the differences between static and dynamic websites. In this article, I will explain the differences between the two. Read on to find out.

Check Out What Is A Static Website Here

Differences Between Static and Dynamic Websites

As you know, a static website’s content remains fixed and appears the same to every visitor. A dynamic website, on the other hand, dynamic content for each user. This means the content varies from one visitor to another. But what are the other differences between static and dynamic websites? Let’s look at them:


Static websites are written in HTML and CSS. There is no scripting involved in static websites. As a result, there is no interaction between the visitors and the website, nor does the content appear differently for different visitors.

On the other hand, dynamic websites are written in coding languages like PHP, JavaScript, Python, etc. These are called script languages which allow interactions between the visitors and the website (like search options, logging in, etc). The script language is also responsible for calling in the content from other files or databases.


Static websites do not require a database. Dynamic website, on the other hand, has a database which makes the entire system more complex.

Content Updation

In order to update a static website, one needs to make changes manually in the HTML files. Also, if you want to make changes in the footer, for example, you have to edit all the HTML files of that website.

Dynamic websites can be frequently updated using Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress. The use of script languages also allow the sharing of HTML code between pages, that is, each page doesn’t need to be updated separately.

Loading Speed

The lack of scripts in static websites makes them easier to load, thereby, making these sites extremely fast. This is extremely important from SEO point of view.

On the other hand, dynamic websites take more time to load because of the scripts. However, the loading time of websites depends on a lot of other factors as well. You can read this article on website speed optimization.

Find Out How To Improve Website Loading Speed Here

Design Flexibility

In terms of design and layout, static websites are more flexible. Since each of the pages in a static website are separate files, one can design them as they wish, depending upon the content. Dynamic websites offer less flexibility in terms of design.


Static websites are more secure than dynamic websites because of multiple reasons – no databases, no plugins, no dynamic software. All these make static websites safer and less prone to security related issues, like hacking.


The setup cost as well as cost for hosting and maintenance of static websites is less than that of dynamic websites.


Scaling up a dynamic website is difficult as complex codes run in the server. Static websites, on the other hand, are easy to scale up. All you need to do is increase the bandwidth.

So, these are the major differences between static and dynamic websites. I hope I have been able to explain the differences properly. I am sure you will now be able to decide which type of websites will serve your purpose better.

Check Out The Best Static Site Generators Of 2020 Here!

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